The Department offers a range of IT services to its graduate students. If you are in school, you can see all these resources on the Wiki Site
Learning English
Doing research
The patio area of the LiNCS just waiting for the palm trees and walls "whiteboard", Google style.
Learning English
Speaking and reading English is essential if you want to publish, give talks and be aware of the latest developments in your field. The language of science is English, so ... a little refresher course?
Concordia and McGill universities offer courses that are quite appropriate. Language Institute at Concordia, you will find conversation classes and writing workshops (in science). At the School for Continuing Education McGill, you will find more generic courses.
Registration fees are very reasonable since you can do it through CRÉPUQ (ask your advisor about it).
Uri Alon, Molecular Cell, Volume 35, Issue 6, 726-728, 24 September 2009
The importance of stupidity in scientific research.
MA Schwartz, Journal Cell Science. 2008 Jun 1;121(Pt 11):1771.
Many of the following documents were recovered on the website of Silvia Miksch, University of Technology Vienna, Austria (Information and Software engineering Group)
The usual steps at the LiNCS
Explore, read, learn, make brainstorming sessions. Call it our hypothetical DGA1000 (this course does not exist as such;-) From now on, at the time of first contact until your arrival. In the meantime, we work together (remotely or at the university) to find a generic theme to work on
First semester, DGA1005 (Directed Readings). The technical report contains a clear problem, appropriate objectives and general methodology.
The second semester, DGA1031 (with another course which is selected with your director!). The technical report is an expansion of the previous one. The objectives are clarified and the methodology is more polished.
Third semester, DGA1032 (written examination). The technical report is an improvement from the previous one. The methodology is more comprehensive. Some experiments are performed. The structure of a first article drafted.
Fourth semester, DGA1033 (oral examination). The technical report is complete. The objectives are clear, the problem clearly identified, the methodology is concrete. Results are presented. Ideally, a first article (conference or journal) is submitted.
Then we enter the phase "experiment, write, develop, be frustrated."